ocr: Delphi2 Delphl3 TOblect TPersistent TComponent TObject TDutaset DCOM TPersistent - / - TClentDetoset a - other TComponent Vendor Nomols rovider TDatsset Requrassol Renuires Bor DEDGtaset Douctase: ouDaluser uoible Tavery tstoredProc nuble TQuery StoredProc Figure 9: Class nierarchy of Dataset for Deiphi 2 and 3. In Delphi 3, DataSet is now abstract and has a new ancestor, BDEDotasef. The Delphi 3 BDE now features direct links to Access and DB2, - as well as dBASE, Paradox, ODBC, Informix, interBase, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybasc.